Research & Resources
It starts with the simple hemp plant.
Our proprietary cultivars of hemp love phosphorus.
Intelligent By DesignOptimized for Water
Hungry for Phosphates
Federally Legal
Simply Effective
Water Remediation Articles, Research, & Resources
Florida Researcher Wants to Clean Up Polluted Water Ways
Article and interview about the work of Dr. Kate Calvin
Basics of Water Remediation
Science Direct discusses the basis of water remediation.
Tribe Gets 1.6 Million Grant
Indian Tribe received 1.6 million for a grant to study hemp remediation
A Possible Bandaide?
This article highlights the introduction of our Hemp Research Program
Learn about Phytoremediation
This article from explains the history and scope of using ‘cleaning’ plants to target certain chemicals.
Hemp is a bio-accummulator
Hemp is helping to clean the earth. Learn what it means to be a bio-accummulator.
Not all hemp plants are created equal.
Hemp4Water®, working with researchers and plant experts, has developed cultivars of Hemp specifically bred to flourish with wet feet.
Thousands of years in the making, decades of advocacy, years of research.

No Chemicals, Powered by the Sun, Verifiable Results
Flexible Options, Money-Saving and
Our Plants are the Key
Hemp4Water® uses unique cultivars of hemp developed to uptake phosphate more readily than other varieties. Through years of research, we have found mats stable enough for use during multiple growing seasons reducing the year-over-year costs.
* Every project is different. Final cost projects depend on obtaining a known daily nutrient load. As long as the daily nutrient load remains stable Hemp4Water® can give you a path to homeostasis at a fraction of the cost of other methods.

Known Variables, R99 Verifiable Results
Confidence, Time-Saving, Cost Effective
Hemp4Water® is the answer to your accumulated phosphorus. Using measurable processes, calculatable timelines, and environmentally sound practices Hemp4Water® provides a long-term solution with maintenance and service options.
Build a tax-deductible project,
Remediate phosphorus-rich water
* Contribute to the body of research in the U.S.
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South Florida State College
Where research meets advocacy

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Tax-Deductible and Grant Opportunities

Limited Lifecycle Projects