Everyone Wants a Future with Clean Water

Let Hemp4Water® Manage Your Fresh Water Clean Up Project

Proof of Concept

As part of the 2014 Hemp Research Program, we have extensive evidence that hemp removes phosphate.

Less cost, no chemicals.

Hands cupped collecting water

Our Mission

For more than 10 years our 501c3 has studied the impact of hemp production on waterways polluted with phosphates and nitrates.

Hand holding a test tube

Defining Your Project

Partnering with South Florida State College, we can extrapolate the number of plants needed to bring your lake, pond, or freshwater body into homeostasis.

Drop of water with a hemp leaf in a pair of hands

Support the Research

There is still more to learn about the value of hemp in the remediation of freshwater bodies, and waste water treatment. Give generously to help support further research.

WHY Hemp4Water®?

A Clean, Easy, and Highly Effective Part of Your Fresh Water Management Plan

Research, Results, Time to Scale

Hemp4Water® Saving You Time, Money, and Worries.

Over thirty years ago, our founder, Steve Edmonds, recognized the potential for hemp in remediation. Federal prohibition of hemp’s industrial uses made research in the United States impractical. International studies on hemp reinforced Steve’s conviction that the plant was important in water remediation.

Hemp4Water®  qualified for a Florida Hemp Research program with South Florida College. The team has bred plants that thrive with ‘wet feet’ and have a remarkable appetite for phosphorus. Research at R99 values determined industrial hemp is even more effective than other systems for the phytoremediation of phosphorus.

Learn More About the Research

Meet Our Team

We have the professionals
you need.

Dr. Kate Calvin

News From the Pond

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Building on a Legacy of Success
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